Me and other members from Libyan eyes forum went weeks ago to the Tripoli Zoo for Photography trip to shots some pictures for the animals and to learn new technique from each other, here some of my pictures from that trip.

me the second one from the right beside the kid ( my brother mahmmod )

مش ممكن !!!
بجد التقاطات رائعة تحفزنا لزيارة الحديقة
ماشاء الله
not good enough, but it's Ok
وخيتك مى
سلام عليك
تعرف حلوات صور
تسلم علي لقطات رائعه
انتطر مزيد من صور
تسمحلي ندير طله عندك
فتاة من زمن اخر
Mr.Madi ,we have to meet one day..
i really loved your photos..but Advice don't` show them online...
you cant` trust others..
if you wrote up all the photos but some of them ,they know how to delete that words..
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