Last night when I was in the Internet caf'e I received a missed call from unknown number I ignored it and I was saying people still expecting that we're going to call them back ! the caller kept buzzing me many times with strange insistence. To be honest he made me mad at him so I called him back with an angry and loud voice in Arabic (منوا who is that) and the other side answered Hussein it is me Hussein .....Can you beleive that he was Hussein ???
I asked him "Where are you man what happened to you?" He said that he was caught by the immigration police and he was in the camp since one month ago, I told him that his family was asking about him , We didn't talk to much because he was in hurry and asked me to do him a favor, He said that he wanted me to go to someone and bring his passport and money .
I told him sorry Hussein I can't do that I don't want to get into trouble with the police because might they think that I'm one of those men who plan for the escaping to Italy, They will not understand that I'm just trying to help another person for human reasons .
As MAYA said ask and thanks Allah that he is alive to be caught by the police not dying in the sea … this is his destiny to be caught and it's better for him .
I hope that Hussein'll understand my situation to refuse his request.
Salam Libyan Photographer,
Alhamdullilah Hussein is alive. Have you decided whether or not you will alert his family to his being alive?
thank you for been here in my blog ... and about Hussein I sent an offline message for his twin brother Hassan on his m telling him that his brother Hussein is in good health and he is working in oil industry in south Libya and he is busy all the time and there’s no phones there except for the managers and decide to work for long time to can save enough money to start new life .
As you know the most important thing they have to know that he is alive …. And the police will not keep him for ever they surely will release him and expulsion him to his country soon or later .
i dont know what to say. Isnt there a way to get his passport to the police without saying that you know him? just give it and get out or something..i dont know,but as long as he doesnt have his passport, there is no way he will be deported to his country...Thats as far as i know.
Well ALhamdullah he is alive!
Salam Mr. Madi,
You know this topic has been on my mind since I originally read it. I discussed this with my girlfriend last night, and we find ourselves perplexed as to what to do. Wondering what we’d do if we were in your very position, of course realizing our way of doing things differ from many parts of the world which makes it even more difficult to put ourselves in your shoes. However, with that being said and knowing myself I don’t think I’d give it a second thought. I’d deliver his documents as asked for knowing I didn’t do anything wrong as well as knowing I don’t really know anything about the situation other than getting a call from my friend asking for his passport.
Salam Mr.Madi
Sorry for being late
Thanks Allah that he's fine and I told you before wish that he is with the police not in the sea he's lucky man !
And I think It's Right refuse his requisition !!
Fe aman Allah
No I think there’s no other way to help him …. Maybe it will not be quick deport but they will deported him any way.
Thank you for share
Thank you for your concern about my and Huss complicated situations .
And Yes there's nothing wrong if I delivered his documents to him , but I want you to put yourself the police shoes and some one come to you with prisoner's documents and he telling you that he doesn't know anything just he had a call asking him to deliver them .
what you will think about him ?
I'll not stop helping him if I could at that level I'm in safe ....after all I think I helped Hussein a lot and I did not did that for him as Huss although he deserve that as person . but I did it for ALAH, my help for Huss will stop when I'll be sure that I'll be hurt, and I think it will be worse and complicated for me if I did what he want me to do.
Thank you for passing and he is alive after all .
I support yourposition Mr.Madi
Alhamdulillah Hussain is alive.
“ Decide to work for long time to can save enough money “ Do you mean to save enough money so he would try again to cross the sea? These kind of people would try again and again till they get to Europe and not any Europe it has to be a country where it is easy to claim the social benefit and live like a king! I don’t understand how any Libyan oil company which suppose to be a sensitive area to work with could allow anyone to work there with no legal papers or passport?!
“Decide to work for long time to can save enough money “
This is not true my friend I told his brother this story to know that Hussein alive….. And about this kind of people I agree with you most of them are looking for easy way to life, they didn't want to work hard for make their life better … I have watched a documentary film about how they life in Spain on ALJAZEERA documentary channel and what I watched proved what you said.
Thank you for the passing
hello MR Madi
did what could do, he came to u when he need help.at last he still a live , hope soon to be released ,getting involve wt the authority its a high risk.u must be well trusted, wish Hussein freedom soon
dusk till dawn
thank you for your support
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