This is Hussein Mamadu hi is a Muslim man from Swaziland he comes to Libya through Niger border and he crossed the desert to Tripoli he spent more than one and half year in Tripoli working as shops cleaner… he cleans shops for money and some times he cleans cars and houses , and he comes to my shop to clean it as well .
Cuz I see him daily in my internet café for clean the staircase and the bath we start to have a conversation about many objects .. life , policy , football …etc.
He told me that he came to Libya with that ancient classic dream Europe he comes here like all of Africans just to make Libya a bridge and transit to their dream journey to Europe through the sea I used to tell Hussein that if he save the money and the time in his country to learn something or to start a small business is much better than to take this risk to go to Europe…but he did not listening …!
Hussein said that he pay 1000$ for some guys and they will give him with other African Egyptian Tunisian Algerian and Moroccan guys a small boat with two engines , some fuel ,GPS and AL Thurya satellite phone and pick one of them to lead this Boat to his mysterious destiny .. ..?
Anyway Hussein came to me last week and he told me that ( Madi this night I'll leave ask GOD to help me ) .
Now since that day he did not call me although he said he will do that when he has a chance, and I did not meet him online as well and what makes it worse that his mother call me asked about him I think he did not call her too .
When I thinking about him and how he will spend that long hours in that tight boat with full of fear and hope …. I think in that situation his life will pass in front his tired eyes ,and thinking maybe this hours will lead him to the paradise and his new life, that he were always dreaming about it ..... or his last hours.
I hope that he arrive to Italy or wherever he wants to go safe and fine
Cuz I see him daily in my internet café for clean the staircase and the bath we start to have a conversation about many objects .. life , policy , football …etc.
He told me that he came to Libya with that ancient classic dream Europe he comes here like all of Africans just to make Libya a bridge and transit to their dream journey to Europe through the sea I used to tell Hussein that if he save the money and the time in his country to learn something or to start a small business is much better than to take this risk to go to Europe…but he did not listening …!
Hussein said that he pay 1000$ for some guys and they will give him with other African Egyptian Tunisian Algerian and Moroccan guys a small boat with two engines , some fuel ,GPS and AL Thurya satellite phone and pick one of them to lead this Boat to his mysterious destiny .. ..?
Anyway Hussein came to me last week and he told me that ( Madi this night I'll leave ask GOD to help me ) .
Now since that day he did not call me although he said he will do that when he has a chance, and I did not meet him online as well and what makes it worse that his mother call me asked about him I think he did not call her too .
When I thinking about him and how he will spend that long hours in that tight boat with full of fear and hope …. I think in that situation his life will pass in front his tired eyes ,and thinking maybe this hours will lead him to the paradise and his new life, that he were always dreaming about it ..... or his last hours.
I hope that he arrive to Italy or wherever he wants to go safe and fine
I dont know what to say!! I feel sad that many people have to do this in hopes of a better life. I must say, that searching for it in Europe is a big fat lie!! I think its an illusion that was created by the media. I have seen many people who came for a better life abroad only to end up cleaning the streets or working at MCDonlands. Now im not saying thats bad, but im sure thats not what they had in mind...If you have established yourself at home, and wanted to expland ur self through opening business abroad i can understand that ..but other than that, i feel it is a waste of energy,and its a big risk for nothing. I do hope and pray for your friend's safty although i disagree with his way! I hope his mom, and you hear good news about him soon.
I agree fully with happymoi on this issue, it is all a dream, at the end of it there is really nothing for them in Europe except heartache, life in Europe is more difficult than most places, jobs are difficult to get by.
InshaAllah Hussain is safe.
Salam Mr. Madi,
Truly we have no idea what one person truly suffers within side themselves. Nor do we understand the choices that they make, but for some reason Hussein sees his choice as the only answer. May God be with him.
Thx for the passing … about Hussein he chose this way to make his life better…..but we disagree with him about the way he chosen to that change in his life.
It is ok for any one to try to make his life better but he must chose the right way I think what Hussein did is a Gamble, the chance to lose more than to win .
Wishing that Hussain gonna back safe to his mom I'm sure en Sha Allah he gonna do it ! Europe or back to libya both of them better than staying and spending the nights in that Boat !
The days gonna tell us about his fate
Fe aman Allah
I pray that Hussain is well.. :( :(
Thanks mr. madi
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